Starting in the turtle position, you already have one hook in. Your opponent isn’t defending the opposite side. It’s very common that your hand is going to come in on the same side as your body is. Because your opponent won’t be defending the opposite side we are going to slice our hand in from […]
Step 1: Starting in a standard side control position. Your partner my have his frame in place. You are going to switch your arms, block his hips and sprawl. Step 2: You’ll start to walk north/south. Then taking your right hand cut into his elbow. Step 3: Continue to walk sideways […]
In this weeks blog, Professors Guy and Rob will explain 4 details that increase your chances of securing the traditional armbar from the closed guard position. Key #1: Grab the wrist. This is so your opponent can’t curl his arm. One of the basic defenses against the armbar is having the ability to curl your […]
Bullying has become an epidemic in recent years. Yes, there have always been bullies, and yes, those bullies have always caused serious and lasting damage to their victims; however, bullying in the 21st century has changed – and not for the better. According to Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center, one in four students has reported […]
In this weeks blog we’re going to show you a technique we like to refer to as the Renzo Choke. It was originally taught to us by our old instructor, a long time ago, Renzo Gracie. In this side control attack you’ll utilize your lapel furthest away from your opponents head. The idea is that […]
Today we thought we’d share 8 mistakes that are commonly made by beginners to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. If you find yourself reading this blog and think ‘hmm, this is me’ then take heed! These examples will help you as you begin your journey. #1: Focusing on Attacks rather than Defense. It’s cool to learn sweeps, it’s […]
This weeks 2 minute technique is a Deep Half Guard Sweep to the Double Under Pass. Here’s another breakdown to the technique using pictures. Step #1: Starting in the combat stance. You’ll hug the leg, shin on shin. If you push into him a little he’ll push back and that will help you rotate. […]
This weeks 2 Minute Technique is from the Deep Half Guard. In this video you’ll learn how to take your opponent’s back by using his lapel. Yeah, his own lapel! Check it out below: Step #1-2: Starting in combat base, you’re going to (#2) spin using your right leg to help kick his leg away. […]
In this weeks 2 Minute Technique Professors Guy and Rob demonstrate the Kimura from Half Guard into the Inverted Armbar. Here is a quick break down using photos to learn the technique step by step. Have you ever been in the Half Guard going for the Kimura and you can’t finish it because your opponent […]
This weeks 2-minute technique is How to Take the Back from the Turtle Position. You’ll learn step by step instructions on what to do to take your opponents back. Step 1: Grabbing your opponents lapels, you’ll pin them to the mat to gain more control. Step 2: You’ll tripod up, resting your head on your […]
Take a quick look at the 5 fundamental submissions you can do from the mount position. These are 5 submissions that you really want to practice. SUBMISSION #1: Basic Paint Brush also known as the Americana. SUBMISSION #2: Cross Choke SUBMISSION #3: Ezekiel Choke SUBMISSION #4: Arm Triangle or also known […]
A common question we get a lot especially in our beginner classes is “How do I keep the mount?” Although it’s a dominant position to attack from, people don’t feel comfortable in it, so what would you recommend? First of all, have an understanding of what some of the most common problems are. For instance, […]
Here are some of our Google reviews for our Adult BJJ Program. Thank you all for the kind words. We enjoy reading your feedback and as always look forward to seeing you on our mats. Proudly serving the Wake Forest and North Raleigh area (Wakefield). For more information about our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu programs check […]
Here are some more of our Google Reviews. These are based on our Kids Martial Arts Program. We always enjoy reading a good review. We appreciate our parents putting their trust in us to teach their children a Martial Art that we are so passionate about – BrazilianJiuJitsu. Thank you all so much! Proudly serving […]
Today we are going to share with you a variation of the Sumi Gaeshi Throw using the Kimura control. One of the common things that people do on a takedown is a Single Leg. So when my brother shoots in for a single his head is on the inside. You can do the Sumi Gaeshi […]
Here are some of our Google Reviews from some of our students and drop ins. We are always grateful for the kind words and are happy to welcome new and old students into the PAMA family! -Thank you. Proudly serving the Wake Forest and North Raleigh area (Wakefield). For more information about our Brazilian Jiu […]
Today we’re back and this blog complements the last blog – Learn How to Control & Attack the Weak Side. This particular blog is about Transitioning from the Back Mount to the Crucifix and back to the Back Mount. It’s very common that when we end up on the weak side our opponent can put […]
In a previous blog we left off transitioning to the back mount position on the weak side. That’s where we’re going to pick up today. So, in this position whichever arm is over your partner, that’s going to be the strong side. Based on the transition that we did we ended up on the weak […]
Disclaimer: The stretches suggested in this blog are not intended as a substitute for proper medical advice. Consult your physician or health care professional before performing any new exercise or exercise technique, particularly if you are pregnant or nursing, or if you are elderly, or if you have any chronic or recurring conditions. Any application […]
In this weeks How to video we wanted to share with you a sitting up style guard pass that will transition into a back mount. So, Rob is in a sitting up style position. An effective way to get him on his back is by scooping his ankles, lifting up and putting him on his […]
Here at the Pendergrass Academy we’d like to share 5 Great Stretches that are sure to improve your overall flexibility. These stretches are imperative to any Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner. The primary muscles we’ll focus on are the lower back, the legs and the shoulders. These stretches will require using our belt. If you don’t have […]
This month at the Academy we’ve been focusing a lot on Omaplatas. So, we wanted to bring you guys one more strategy for the Omaplata. When we sit up to try to attack, it’s very common that our partner tries to beat us on the posture battle. When this happens we can create a situation […]
Ok, guys, we’re back! I’ve got Professor Boo here with me. This video is a follow up to the Omaplata technique that we did in our previous video last week. Professor Boo is going to show one of his favorite escapes when he gets caught in the Omaplata. While in the Omaplata, we always, especially […]
Join Professor Guy and Professor Boo as they demonstrate another weekly How To. This weeks video is an Omaplata Sweep. Watch the video to gain some insight on this technique. That is the Omaplata Sweep starting from the closed guard position. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. Click on the bell to get our latest video. […]
So how long does it take to get good at Jiu-Jitsu? Well, that’s going to vary from person to person. There’s a lot of variables that can play a part in how quickly you improve. Everybody learns at a different rate. Jiu-Jitsu is a tactile sport, that’s primarily how you learn. You learn by hearing […]
Do you have a shy kid? We at the Pendergrass Academy feel that Martial Arts is a good combination of an individual sport and a team sport. When you’re on the mat training you’re working with other people. However when you actually apply what you’ve learned it becomes an individual sport. It’s a good combination […]
Martial Arts in the Military When you think of the US military, you probably think of high-tech weaponry – smart bombs and things like that. What you might not know is that the martial arts play an important role in military training. Being proficient in hand-to-hand combat can save soldiers’ lives. There are several forms […]
Guy and Rob recently went on a road trip to Tampa, Florida. It was a Jitz University Conference where they presented on strategies that can be used to gain 5 star reviews on google. There were other great presenters there as well. This is just a compilation of their road trip to Tampa. We hope […]
These are 5 of the most practical submissions from Side Control. These submissions are used quite a bit and some of them pair really well together. #1: Basic Wrist Lock: It’s very common for your partner to frame up and have one hand in the neck typically. So we’re going to take our chin and […]
Martial Arts for Mother’s Day Flowers might be the traditional gift for Mother’s Day, but they’re also what’s expected. Giving your mom a martial arts membership or enrolling her in a class might not be the usual choice, but there are many good reasons to consider giving your mom exactly that this Mother’s Day. […]
Here is a video from our Archives. It’s from a Gustavo Machado Seminar back in 2009. Although, the image quality may be inferior to what we usually film today, there are still some good tips to be had! Subscribe to our YouTube channel and click on the bell to get our video updates. Give us […]
As a student in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu there are a few things that we want to keep in mind while we train. We always want to be considerate of our training partners because without partners we can’t really train Jiu-Jitsu. Here are some quick tips to keep in mind: Tip 1: Wash your gi and […]
Alright, we’re going to look at a Single Leg X Entry when your opponent is standing in front of you. And we’re going to be playing a butterfly, shin on shin type guard. Once they stand and try to pass your guard (open that guard and try to pass) we’re going to look at a […]
Organizing Jiu Jitsu in your head can be very difficult, so I like to use the analogy of your brain as a computer. And when you right click, a drop down menu pops up with all of your Jiu Jitsu Positions such as Mount, Guard, Side Mount, Back, etc. When you hover over a position, […]
Top Four Benefits of Working out With a Loved One There are few things quite like working out with a partner or spouse, sister or brother – a loved one of any sort. No matter the type of martial arts you both practice, there are some benefits to exercising together. From perfecting your form to […]
Join Professor Guy from Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts in Wake Forest, North Carolina as he demonstrates another How To. This weeks’ How To is using the Stability Ball to help with your training. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week. Check us out and get […]
Join Professor Guy and special guest Professor Boo as they demonstrate another How To. This weeks’ How To is an Armbar Attack off a Kimura Attack. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week. Today we’re going to show you a really simple Armbar Attack off of […]
Join Professor Guy and special guest Professor Boo from Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts in Wake Forest, North Carolina as they demonstrate another How To. This weeks’ How To is Defending Against the Whizzer. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week. Alright, guys so we’re back […]
Join Professor Guy and special guest Professor Boo from Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts in Raleigh, North Carolina as they demonstrate another How To. This weeks’ How To is the Flat Kimura. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week. We’re back with another Kimura Attack from […]
Join Professor Guy and special guest Professor Boo from Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts in Raleigh, North Carolina as they demonstrate another “How To”. This weeks “How To” is the Sideways Kimura. Subscribe to our channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week. Hey guys! We’re back here and we’re going […]
Join Professor Guy from Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts in Raleigh, North Carolina as he demonstrates another “How To”. This weeks “How To” is the Standing Shoulder Roll. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week. This is a Standing Shoulder Roll. A standing shoulder roll allows […]
Join Professor Guy from Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts in Raleigh, North Carolina as he demonstrates another “How To”. This weeks “How To” is the Shoulder Roll. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week. This is a shoulder roll. So when we do a shoulder roll […]
As you go through your Jiu Jitsu journey it’s important to understand some terminology before starting. There are four common positions in Jiu Jitsu. They are Guard, Side Control, Mount, and Back Mount. It is imperative to focus on these positions in order to make them a superior part of your game. When we say […]
Join Professor Guy from Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts in Raleigh, North Carolina as he demonstrates another “How To”. This weeks “How To” is the Granby Roll. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week. This is two variations of the Granby Roll. So basically, […]
What is the overall mindset of Brazilian Jiu jitsu? In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu the primary focus is grappling, submissions and controlling your opponent from a positional standpoint; without taking a lot of damage. In other martial arts the goal may be to punch and kick to defend yourself. In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu we like to use […]
Join Professors Guy and Rob as they demonstrate another “How To”. This weeks “How To” is the Kimura Attacks. Check out a really good set up and attack using the Kimura grip. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week.
Join Professors Guy and Rob as they demonstrate another “How To.” This weeks “How To” is the Kimura Sweep. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our newest videos each week.
The most common statement that we hear at the academy is “I want to start but…” There are three common excuses that follow that statement they are…. #1: “I need to get in shape first” – That is probably the number one thing that we always hear “you know I’m interested,” “I watch a little […]
In this video, Black Belts Josh Goguen and Sean Zorio from Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts demonstrate how to enter the Truck position from Side Control. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and hit the bell so you’ll get our weekly videos.
Join Professors Guy and Rob from as they demonstrate how you can Recover Your Guard; in this weeks How To. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week.
Join Professors Guy and Rob as they demonstrate a Half Guard Pass; in this weeks How To. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week.
Check out this video with Professors Guy and Rob as they demonstrate a Half Guard Pass.
Thanks to all who came out for our Family Fun Night! The kids really enjoyed showing off their skills to their parents. They especially enjoyed the game of dodge ball. It was a successful and fun event.
5 Reasons you Should Start Training BJJ and Muay Thai in the New Year! If you’re looking to improve your life for the next 365 days and beyond, you could make a few vague resolutions that you may or may not stick to… or you could sign up for Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai classes and […]
5 Reasons You’re Best Buds With Your BJJ Training Partners When you first started training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, you likely expected to get in shape and learn some of the slick submissions you watched your favorite UFC fighters execute on TV. Little did you know that you would get totally hooked on the BJJ lifestyle […]
If you’re looking to improve your life for the next 365 days and beyond, you could make a few vague resolutions that you may or may not stick to… or you could sign up for Jiu-Jitsu or Muay Thai classes and accomplish all of your New Year’s goals every time you show up to train. […]
BJJ Beginner’s highlight pics from Monday night’s class. Everyone putting in great work and of course excellent instruction from professor Boo! #BJJ #BrazilianJiuJitsu #wakeforestnc #raleighnc
Combining BJJ with strikes for a dynamic approach to training. Working an overhand right to a single leg takedown, passing guard to mount, and finishing with an S-mount style armlock while controlling the head. All topics covered during our Monday night advance no-gi class. #bjjandstriking #mma #brazilianjiujitsu
The Bounce Back Armbar is when your going for an armbar and your partner is defending it, this is another step to take to get that submission. Check out this video as Professors Guy and Rob show both their takes on how to do the ‘Bounce Back Armbar.’
In this video one of our adult students talks about his experience in the Adult Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program. Tony talks about several of the benefits he has gained through his training.
Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts interviews one of its students parent (mom) and daughter. Listen to how our BJJ (Jiu Jitsu) program have been help our kids build confidence. for more information about our programs. Music by:”Robobozo” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The 2018 George Pendergrass Foundation Roll-A-Thon is one month away! 12 Hour Open Mat Rolling with seven local instructors teaching mini-seminars throughout the day (instructors TBA). Two important links below to see more information. Facebook Event Page – Donation Page –
It seems that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu leaves a huge impact on many peoples lives. Watch the video and see what you think.
Our adult Advance No-Gi BJJ program offers students the opportunity to train without the Gi. Without the use of the Gi grips are limited and many chokes do not exist. So, positional control and no-gi techniques are emphasized and taught. ♂️ ♂️ ♂️ We continue to go in depth on takedowns, positional control and escapes, […]
PAMA Elite Champions Program Our Elite Champions program is our second level of training for kids ages 7-12 years of age. The kids receive more advance level of training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. They also have the opportunity to tryout for our competition team! #pamaelitekids#pamabjj #gustavomachadobjj #brazilianjiujitsu#bjj
Masters No-Gi This class is part of our Masters Training program for ages 7-12. ♂️ ♂️ ♂️ It offers students the opportunity to learn more advance Jiu Jitsu techniques with No-Gi applications. Great for taking their training to the next level! #bjj #brazilianjiujitsu #martialarts #wakeforestnc #raleighnc #wakefield #submissiongrappling #kidjitsu
This is a second way to counter one of the common ways that people try to mount from side control. For this particular technique if our partner tries to switch to a reverse kesa gatame position and throw the leg over and goes to mount, there is a small window of opportunity to bridge into […]
In this video Rob Pendergrass demonstrates a variety of solo drills to practice basic Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and grappling movements. Practicing these drills twice weekly will improve your grappling game immensely.
When you think of the US military, you probably think of high-tech weaponry – smart bombs and things like that. What you might not know is that the martial arts play an important role in military training. Being proficient in hand-to-hand combat can save soldiers’ lives. There are several forms of martial arts that are […]
Join Professor Guy and his two sons Holden and Greyson as they demonstrate the shark bite mount escape. The Shark bite mount escape is a three step process. Starting off in the mount partner on top has his/her hands on the mat. Partner on the bottom will – Step 1) Trap the arm. Step 2) […]
This is a side control drill to help maintain position. It’s called The Dragon Whip Drill. When your opponent gains access to an underhook, this is when you would execute the dragon whip. If your opponent starts to roll to his side, he’s either going to go to his knees or recover his guard. So, […]
The bounce back armbar is when your going for an armbar and your partner is defending it, this is another step to take to get that submission. Check out this video as Professor’s Guy and Rob show both their takes on how to do the ‘bouce back armbar.’
The focus for this month in March is the armbar. This drill is done from the mount position. This drill helps with your speed when you decide to fall back for an armbar. It is also a good ab workout. Watch Professor’s Guy and Rob as they demonstrate this drill to help you with your […]
Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts hosted a week long Spar Wars. Where the students were able to spar against the instructors. Each student had a chance to test their skills and knowledge that they’ve learned over the course of the last couple of months. Here is a quick video of all the students and staff […]
The sit out drill is a partner drill with continuous movement. You’ll start off in the turtle position. You peek your head out and post your leg out as well. Look up and sit through, and spin to the back moving all the way around. Then it’s your partners turn. This drill helps to work […]
Crazy horse or back pack is a way for kids to learn how to take their partners back and maintain this position, because it is a dominant position in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Join Professor’s Rob and Guy as they demonstrate how you can do crazy horse with your little champion. See the video for more […]
Positional Drilling is great for beginner’s as well as advanced levels. It helps them hone in on a certain position or submission working on one technique at a time. Each person gets a turn to work on a technique for a short period of time. Great for warm-ups as well. Repetition is key to learning […]
Watch Professor’s Guy and Rob as they go through the collar drag technique. From a sitting position, (modified butterfly position), you have a hand on your partners collar, he is gripping inside of pants at the knees. You want to break his grip by bringing your knee up and then down, then stepping left leg […]