Organizing Jiu Jitsu in your head can be very difficult, so I like to use the analogy of your brain as a computer. And when you right click, a drop down menu pops up with all of your Jiu Jitsu Positions such as Mount, Guard, Side Mount, Back, etc. When you hover over a position, […]
Today’s blog is about the importance of keeping a Training Journal for your child to help them retain the mass amounts of techniques that BJJ offers. I see many of you video tape class (which is awesome!), but I’d love to give some tips on how your child can keep a journal (and how you […]
Top Four Benefits of Working out With a Loved One There are few things quite like working out with a partner or spouse, sister or brother – a loved one of any sort. No matter the type of martial arts you both practice, there are some benefits to exercising together. From perfecting your form to […]
Join Professor Guy from Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts in Wake Forest, North Carolina as he demonstrates another How To. This weeks’ How To is using the Stability Ball to help with your training. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week. Check us out and get […]
Join Professor Guy and special guest Professor Boo from Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts in Raleigh, North Carolina as they demonstrate another How To. This weeks’ How To is the Flat Kimura. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week. We’re back with another Kimura Attack from […]
Join Professor Guy from Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts in Raleigh, North Carolina as he demonstrates another “How To”. This weeks “How To” is the Standing Shoulder Roll. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week. This is a Standing Shoulder Roll. A standing shoulder roll allows […]
Join Professor Guy from Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts in Raleigh, North Carolina as he demonstrates another “How To”. This weeks “How To” is the Shoulder Roll. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week. This is a shoulder roll. So when we do a shoulder roll […]
As you go through your Jiu Jitsu journey it’s important to understand some terminology before starting. There are four common positions in Jiu Jitsu. They are Guard, Side Control, Mount, and Back Mount. It is imperative to focus on these positions in order to make them a superior part of your game. When we say […]
Join Professor Guy from Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts in Raleigh, North Carolina as he demonstrates another “How To”. This weeks “How To” is the Granby Roll. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week. This is two variations of the Granby Roll. So basically, […]
What is the overall mindset of Brazilian Jiu jitsu? In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu the primary focus is grappling, submissions and controlling your opponent from a positional standpoint; without taking a lot of damage. In other martial arts the goal may be to punch and kick to defend yourself. In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu we like to use […]
Join Professors Guy and Rob as they demonstrate another “How To”. This weeks “How To” is the Kimura Attacks. Check out a really good set up and attack using the Kimura grip. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week.
Here are some of our Google Reviews from some of our students. We are always grateful for the kind words and are happy to welcome new and old students into the PAMA family! -Thank you.
Join Professors Guy and Rob as they demonstrate another “How To.” This weeks “How To” is the Kimura Sweep. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our newest videos each week.
The most common statement that we hear at the academy is “I want to start but…” There are three common excuses that follow that statement they are…. #1: “I need to get in shape first” – That is probably the number one thing that we always hear “you know I’m interested,” “I watch a little […]
Join Professors Guy and Rob from as they demonstrate how you can Recover Your Guard; in this weeks How To. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week.
Join Professors Guy and Rob as they demonstrate a Half Guard Pass; in this weeks How To. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week.
Thanks to all who came out for our Family Fun Night! The kids really enjoyed showing off their skills to their parents. They especially enjoyed the game of dodge ball. It was a successful and fun event.
5 Reasons you Should Start Training BJJ and Muay Thai in the New Year! If you’re looking to improve your life for the next 365 days and beyond, you could make a few vague resolutions that you may or may not stick to… or you could sign up for Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai classes and […]
FAMILY FUN NIGHT! • FRIDAY, JANUARY 11TH • 6-7PM Professor Boo will lead the group through some awesome drills and games that you can “play” with your child at home. It’ll help them get better at Jiu Jitsu and you can have some great bonding time :-). You’ll not only learn some great techniques but […]
If you’re looking to improve your life for the next 365 days and beyond, you could make a few vague resolutions that you may or may not stick to… or you could sign up for Jiu-Jitsu or Muay Thai classes and accomplish all of your New Year’s goals every time you show up to train. […]
Jiu Jitsu is an amazing self defense system for women. Listen to Rayalla as she talks about her experience in training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and why she started it for self defense. Click the link below to listen to Rayalla’s story. If you haven’t already we’d love for you to attend our Empowering Women […]
Self Awareness You have society on your side. Potential criminals (for the most part) won’t just obnoxiously run up to you in front of a crowd and take your things. These criminals are looking for an opportune situation. As long as you are aware of your surroundings, you can prevent yourself from ever falling into […]
December Newsletter … check it out for upcoming events and Holiday closing dates!
Our #1 goal in our kids program is to build confidence in our kids. Confident kids have higher self esteem, make better grades in school, and can stand up to bullies. #confidence #confidentkids #bjj #kickboxing #wakeforestnc #raleighnc #brazilianjiujitsu #martialarts #mixedmartialarts.
Combining BJJ with strikes for a dynamic approach to training. Working an overhand right to a single leg takedown, passing guard to mount, and finishing with an S-mount style armlock while controlling the head. All topics covered during our Monday night advance no-gi class. #bjjandstriking #mma #brazilianjiujitsu
Kids Elite Advance BJJ classes every Monday and Wednesday. This month we are working on Kesa Gatame escapes and the infamous Clock Choke! Love seeing the smiles on these faces 🙂 #bjj #brazilianjiujitsu#kidsjitsu #pama #gusavomachadobjj #wakeforestnc #raleighnc
Kids Kickboxing classes every Monday at 5pm for our Elite Champion students. Monday night we worked on our 1 (Jab), 2 (Jab, Cross), 3 (Jab, Cross, Hook), and 4 (Jab, Cross, Hook, Cross) combinations with slips. #kidskickboxing #kickboxing #mma
Veterans Day is coming up on Monday, November 12th and all the kids will be out of school! Why not have them spend the day with us . We have a bunch of Fun, BJJ & Fitness training, Team Building, Games and more planned for the entire day! LIMIT TO 30 KIDS FOR THIS CAMP! Camp […]
October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. We would like to give everyone a Bully Prevention Kit. You can use this to help educate your child about Bullying, but more importantly teach them how to effectively deal with a bully. Simply comment below with hashtag #bullyawareness
Bullying comes in many types … understanding the facts and being proactive in learning methods to dealing with bullies will serve as an essential life skill for kids. The stats surrounding bullying is staggering … ▪️1 in 4 children are bullied each month in the USA. ▪️Every 7 minutes a child is bullied. ▪️160,000 kids miss […]
Halloween Safety Tip 3: Always stay together in a group. Stay safe and healthy this Halloween season from your friends at Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts.
A great video that brings insight and awareness to bullying. Definitely worth the 3 minute watch!
Halloween Safety Tip 2: Never go into a strangers home. Stay safe and healthy this Halloween season from your friends at Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts.
Halloween Safety Tip 1; eat fruit for sweets instead of candy. Stay safe and healthy this Halloween season from your friends at Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts.
The 2018 George Pendergrass Foundation Roll-A-Thon is one month away! 12 Hour Open Mat Rolling with seven local instructors teaching mini-seminars throughout the day (instructors TBA). Two important links below to see more information. Facebook Event Page – Donation Page –
It seems that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu leaves a huge impact on many peoples lives. Watch the video and see what you think.
Back 2 School Supply Drive @ PAMA Delivering these school supplies to 2 local elementary schools (Wakefield Elementary and Forest Pines Elementary) next week. Thankful to our students and families for their generous support. It is our mission to be a valuable member of our community and provide locals school with the support they need. […]