To start you’ll be holding a knee shield. Your opponent will weave his outside arm through the middle of the legs. If you don’t do anything, your opponent will smash (press down on your legs). He’ll then sprawl out and come around to get the pass. This is the pass you are trying to counter against. As long as you catch this early on before he starts to smash you, here is what you can do:
1.) Take your left hand and cup his left elbow.
2.) Exit your leg out. Kicking up and over his head.
3.) Kick up and go to the back position.
This is one of the ways to counter the pass. It’s very simple but you have to be able to do it early on before he smashes your legs. If your opponent has gotten far enough where he is starting to smash your legs these are the next steps you’ll take:
1.) Example of opponent ‘smashing’. Pressing down on your legs.
2.) As your opponent starts coming around. You want to block that outside shoulder by using a stiff arm.
3.) You’ll use your left shoulder, hip up and recover your bottom leg so you can replace your guard again.
There is still a 3rd way you could counter the weave pass. Watch the video to find out more.
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