3 Tips to Improving Faster in BJJ and Muay Thai
Have a White Belt Mindset, always be willing to learn.
If you think you already know everything, you won’t grow or will grow slower.
Private Lessons
(individualized, vs group class)
– problems you are having, tweaking them
– new technique
– how to deal with training partners (ex. Say they always pass your guard)
– strategy (game plan)
Take a pro-active role in the learning process
– train more (mange your personal life to be more consistent)
– manage the time you have in class (drilling technique and rolling)
– create a Game plan (this can be done with private lessons too)
What are you doing outside of class?
– working out
– watching instructionals (everyone has unique ways of teaching that you may learn better from, focus on a specific aspect of the art, etc…)
– if resting while others are rolling in class don’t watch them roll for entertainment value, watch to learn what they are doing, as well as, anticipating what their next move is. The same can be said for watching competition footage.
What you can be doing during the pandemic?
Some people are fine with sparring with others and some aren’t.
If you want to keep yourself distant then you MUST drill. Work the basic movements to keep your skills sharp. If you do nothing for several months then you will be less likely to want to jump back into a routine of training. When you do start back you are more likely to get demotivated because of a perceived loss of skills. Or you could get hurt from training too hard too soon. Look at professional sports; they don’t just play a game, they drill, they work on scenario-specific training.
“Winners do what the losers don’t want to.”
Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts is proud to serve the Wake Forest, Wakefield, and Raleigh NC areas. For more information check out www.bjjnc.com. Join Guy and Rob on Facebook Live today, Friday, July 3rd @ 2:00 pm.