Let’s say someone walks up from behind you, they reach around and grab your neck. Most likely what they are trying to do is pull you backward and drag you. If you’re able to respond, you’re going to throw them overhead.
First, make sure your fingers are deep in the forearm and the bicep.

Fingers deep in forearm and bicep
Secondly, you’ll drop your weight slightly.

Drop hips slightly
Thirdly, you’re going to engage your hips, bow forward and throw your opponent overhead.

Bow foreward

Throw opponent overhead
Now you’ll want to go for the armbar so you’ll put your knee on his ribs and then step over opponent’s head.

Step over opponent’s head
Now your opponent wants to counter this move. He’s going to grab your leg and do a backward roll over his right shoulder.

Backward roll
As he comes up he’s going to put his knee on your ribs. Switch the arm, make sure to control the wrist. Step over the head and fall back for the armbar.

Knee on the ribs

Wrist control, step over

Fall back for armbar
So you are basically doing the same armbar that your opponent initially was trying to do to you just with the backward roll.
Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts proudly serves the Wake Forest, Wakefield and Raleigh NC areas. For more information go to our website at www.bjjnc.com