In this weeks blog, Professors Guy and Rob will explain 4 details that increase your chances of securing the traditional armbar from the closed guard position.
Key #1: Grab the wrist. This is so your opponent can’t curl his arm. One of the basic defenses against the armbar is having the ability to curl your arm. Grabbing the wrist takes away this option.
Key #2: Grab the back of tricep. If you don’t grab the back of your opponent tricep, he can pull his arm out of danger. So grabbing the back of the tricep takes care of that.
Next, place your foot on his hip. Key #3: Keep knee pinched to the shoulder. If your knee is relaxed that leaves room for your opponent to pull his arm out.
Key #4: Rotate the hips. You can’t be straight on and hit the armbar. So, use that foot on the hip to make the angle. Also, make sure your ‘chopping’ down with your top leg. Doing so helps keep his weight down. If your opponent tries to stack you, you’ll be able to keep the weight off as well as keeping the angle. Once you’re in this position, you should be able to throw the leg over the head and catch the armbar.

Key #1: Grab wrist

Key #2: Grab back of tricep

Key #3: Foot on hip, Pinch knee to shoulder

Key #4: Rotate hips
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