So how long does it take to get good at Jiu-Jitsu? Well, that’s going to vary from person to person. There’s a lot of variables that can play a part in how quickly you improve. Everybody learns at a different rate. Jiu-Jitsu is a tactile sport, that’s primarily how you learn. You learn by hearing the instructor explain the technique. As well as watching the technique and then finally go and actively practice that technique. Everybody starts at different times. And because of this, there’s a bit of a learning curve in Jiu-Jitsu. For example; let’s say I start training today and you start in 6 months, what we’re each learning can vary depending on when we started. In our beginner program, there’s a set curriculum that you’ll learn. That curriculum rotates. Depending on the day you start, you may start off learning the Mount Escape but the other person might be learning Back Attacks for their first day.
One of the biggest mistakes measuring their progress by comparing themselves to someone else. Which they should not do. The measuring stick should not be other people. The measuring stick should be yourself.
There are variables that will affect the rate at which you improve. For instance, how often are you training? A long time ago we heard a saying “you can go to school part-time or you can go to school full time.” Meaning how much time are you willing to dedicate to learning. Are you being consistent? We have students that religiously train three days a week. We also have students that will train once this week once next week and then skip a week. You get out of your rhythm when you aren’t consistent. You may forget what you learned. For years we’ve always said “we rather you train twice a week consistently” than to be inconsistent. It’s going to be harder to retain what you’ve learned if you are inconsistent.
The other thing to consider with Jiu-Jitsu is that it is not a sprint it’s a marathon. You have to look at it from a long term perspective. It’s not about how good I can get today but how I can improve over time.

Training with consistency helps you move up in rank
We are here to help our students, to guide them through their Jiu Jitsu journey. Our classes are set up where there is a goal in mind. For example each class you’ll learn certain techniques. We have a structure, a lesson plan in mind for every class we teach. Even in the advanced classes. We have an idea of what we want our students to come away with within that class. If you really want to learn and be good at something it’s best to immerse yourself in it. It’s also good to set goals for yourself. Plan out what you really want to work on. Or take note of the techniques that you need to work on most.
Proudly serving the Wake Forest and North Raleigh area (Wakefield). For more information about our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu programs check us out at
Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts
2921 Wakefield Crossing Drive suite 100
Raleigh NC 27614