Join Professor Guy and special guest Professor Boo as they demonstrate another How To. This weeks’ How To is an Armbar Attack off a Kimura Attack. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week.
Today we’re going to show you a really simple Armbar Attack off of a Kimura Attack. In a previous video we started off in a Sideways Kimura and that’s going to be the attack that’s going to lead into this one.

Isolate Arm
So in this particular technique, we’re starting off in side control. So, once I’m there, I’ve got to be able to isolate his left arm. And as I come around I’ve got to be able to turn him sideways, switch off and get my kimura grip.

Turn him sideways
Now some guys are really strong, they use both arms to defend against an armbar. There are ways to get around this, but with this one, we’re going to make sure that we put this knee up (left knee).

Left knee up
I’m going to use the momentum of me falling back to help break the grip, and I’m going to put my left knee into his ribs. I’ll leave my right leg over his head as I fall back for the armbar so that way I get a nice full Juji-gatame. So when I’m here, I’ve got this knee up. As I transition, I’m going to turn perpendicular to his body. My left knee is going to transfer to the ribs and I’m going to fall back at a perpendicular angle, creating a lot of momentum here to attack for the armbar.

Switching grip to Monkey Grip
Now, you can’t hold onto the Kimura Grip 100% of the time. Around 80% into this technique you’re going to have to switch and get your two monkey grips to finish the armbar here.
Ok, guys? So, that is a really simple Armbar Attack off of a Kimura. Whether you want to bypass the Kimura or go straight to it. Or possibly, he’s defending the Kimura, so you decide to switch to the secondary attack which is this armbar. Thanks, guys!