Join Professor Guy and special guest Professor Boo from Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts in Wake Forest, North Carolina as they demonstrate another How To. This weeks’ How To is Defending Against the Whizzer. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week.
Alright, guys so we’re back with a new technique. And what we’re going to look at is a technique or a method of how to deal with the Whizzer or the overhook. A lot of times when your playing Half Guard and you have an underhook and your able to get to your knees into what is commonly referred to as the Dog Fight position; your partner oftentimes is going to have an overhook or a Whizzer in order to stop you from going to the back.

Dog Fight Position
So let me show you what I mean by this. So Professor Boo is on top, I have an underhook here I switch my half guard leg so my left leg is lacing his leg. I’m going to switch so that my right leg is over and then as I come up I get to this position here. Now often times when he’s not Whizzering I just peak my head out and go to the back.

Peak Head Out to get to the back
But if I’m here, he Whizzers or overhooks so that I don’t have immediate access to his back. Now you’ll see some people that will try to tap that knee and take him that way (to my right). But that’s hard! Because if he’s really pushing into you and you try to tap his knee, you don’t have a base in order to support yourself. So instead of trying to knee tap, unless he’s got a really narrow base and that right knee is really close to me, then I can knee tap it, run him over and get to that position.

Whizzer or Overhook
But from this Dog Fight position instead of trying to knee tap, I’m going to take my right arm and I’m going to limp arm out. Same technique you would do on the feet if someone was Whizzering you that’s a really easy process to get the arm out. So again one more time, Boo is Whizzering (overhooking) my right arm with his left arm, he’s pushing into me he’s leaning. So I’m just going to go limp with this right arm. Circle my arm out and now I’m on his back. It is super simple, easy to use. It’s very effective and will get you to the back position. Alright, guys, that is what I like to call the Limp Arm. It’s a technique to use against the Whizzer especially when you’re coming up inside a Half Guard position with an underhook and they counter with a Whizzer. Thanks.