Join Professor Guy and special guest Professor Boo from Pendergrass Academy of Martial Arts in Raleigh, North Carolina as they demonstrate another How To. This weeks’ How To is the Flat Kimura. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on the bell to get our new videos each week.

Put Wrist to the Mat
We’re back with another Kimura Attack from the top position. This time we’re going to pick up where we left off in a previous video. Instead of going for the Sideways Kimura, we’re going to go with what we call a Flat Kimura. So, we’re back in position. I’ve got Boo’s arm back in the Kimura position. Again we’re going to create space, then hips to the floor and then come up on our knees. This time my partner is super strong. He’s not allowing me to turn him in order to do the Sideways Kimura. So, since he won’t allow me to do that I’m going to take his wrist, put it on the floor (mat). Then I’ll walk around to the Side Control position.

Step Leg Over Head
Now, it’s very important that we stay nice and low. That keeps a lot of the weight on our partner. It makes it harder for him to turn into us. So I’m going to switch my hips and my bottom leg is going to come through and I step that leg over (partners head). I want to make sure if possible, that the heel of my foot is on the crook of his neck. I want my right foot to be tucked up underneath me using live toes. So when I have the Kimura Grip, I step over his head but I’m also sitting my weight back and down. My foot is underneath me and I’m using live toes. So that I have a base behind me. As I go to finish the arm I’m going to push off with my left foot to generate a lot of power and hit the submission from there.

Finishing the Submission
It’s very important in this technique that we keep our partner flat. It’s possible that he will start to turn underneath us. We can always switch back to the Sideways Kimura, there’s no problem with that. We could even take it as far as a Spinning Armbar on the far side.
That is what we call the Flat Kimura. Which compliments the Sideways Kimura. You can bounce back and forth between the two depending on your partners’ defense.